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Nervous System -- News
  Void Reaver goes to the scrap heap. -- World of Warcraft News
  Posted  January 31, 2008  by 

Last night was our first foray into Tempest Keep in several months. We had attempted Void Reaver on 2 prior occasions working with Bloodforge but we were unable to defeat him. It seemed that saving your life by running from exploding flares proved to be too tough a task for the raid.

The start of last night's raid was not a good one. I had planned on not playing and had Cel manage NERV's invites. The raid filled up slowly as the initial sight of 17 NERV and 17 Hard Mode did not translate well into 25 raid members. Healing was sparse and both guilds scraped the DPS barrel a bit. Twotimes finally got his ass out of TF2 and we started the raid. Rather, we walked into the zone . .we didn't quite start.

We sat there and stared at the unfriendly looking blood elves wondering how exactly to proceed. Finally after digging up some info, we started. The first 2 attempts met with disaster as the CCing was rough due to one mage. After some switches, the pulls proceeded to go smoothly until one wipe by the VR trash. Poor Anayanos was the only mage in the raid and this left the hunters doing extreme CC duty.

We finally faced VR and I decided on us using the solo method for avoiding flares. The first attempt, we got him to about 52% with a lot of DPS dying off in the mid 60s. The second attempt, everybody was alive by 50% and he finally fell with a good portion of the raid still alive. He dropped 2 tier5 pally/rogue/shammy tokens (2 to HM pallys) and the sexy hunter pants (Thuggles).

Congrats and thanks go to-
Cel-putting together NERV's part
Darkmojo and Raven-strat checks on the trash
Gdinero-strats for dragonhawks
TT-ass kicking DPS
NERV healers-amazing job
Burladesh-for suggesting Tkeep
Iceyhott-suggesting the solo method for flares to me weeks ago
Crimson and 2deep-helping fill spots late in the raid
All NERV and HM-excellent work done!

Strive. Act. Excel.
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