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Nervous System -- News
  Happy Birthday NERV! -- General News
  Posted  September 16, 2007  by 
Today marks NERV's sixth birthday!
NERV is still around and kicking, no matter what the state of the gaming community is.
It's been a slow couple of years for gaming: World of Warcraft has absorbed most people's lives and leaves them practicing their organizational skills and patience that comes with such a successful MMO; HL2: DM and CS: S has seen quite a bit of play from the European side thanks to our dedicated fraggers and true-to-life FPS players.

Thank you to all those have stuck with us throughout the years and kept the faith. NERV certainly couldn't be the community it is without the dedication of its players and the leadership it is fortunate to have.

With UT3 and TF2 on the horizon, it's a good bet that NERV will see a resurgence of veteran players and recruitment. Couple two game releases with the perfect storm growing on the horizon, (you'll see), it's shaping up to be a promising sixth year.

Real gamers go all night.
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