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Nervous System -- News
  Thunder King? More like Blunder King -- World of Warcraft News
  Posted  May 13, 2013  by 

Just barely over 2 months after its release, |NERV| stood over the corpse of the final boss in the Throne of Thunder raid. While this raid instance has brought about major shifts in our direction with raiding, we jumped over every hurdle presented to us and emerged victorious.

At the start of the ToT raid, we saw a great deal of personnel changes as well as stylistic ones. We attached the instance head on and had a very solid start. We killed Jin'Rokh and Horridon just 2 days apart and 5th on the realm for both. Week after week, the kills came in almost on a weekly basis. NERV never once dipped out of the top 10 in terms of realm rank on our kills. We actually hovered around the 2000s in terms of US rank sometimes being above it, sometimes getting better numbers. A huge highlight for us was defeating the Consorts just a short time after killing Iron Qon and during a time of the raid we didn't expect much other than learning.

Despite the occasional botched week and the need to flop some people around for coverage, we knifed through the ToT content and begin a fresh raid week with the ability to do heroics. It was an amazing feat for us to watch a few 20ish/16ish percent attempts on Thursday drop to about 4% last night and suddenly there was a kill. true to NERV fashion, it was one of the very last attempts of the night. Everybody's hard work has paid off in spade and we owe a lot to those who've helped along the way by changing roles and coming in to help for absent members. Onward ho to the hard stuff!
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