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Nervous System -- News
  Shannox's Puppies Get Huntarded -- World of Warcraft News
  Posted  July 5, 2011  by 

Sunday marked the second night we worked on Shannox and the fourth night over all we explored Firelands. The first 2 nights were spent on the spider boss (amazingly, the first night was not very buggy) and then the next 2 were spent on Shannox.

Shannox is a bit like the rarely touched animal boss in Karazhan. You have to clear a bunch of trash to force him out of hiding. One he pops, he patrols a wide area around the main plateau of Firelands. He arrives with 2 pets in Rageface and Riplimb. The strategy for him is fairly different from 25 to 10. In the 10 man fight, it's best to have 1 tank on Rip and one on Shannox. The 25 requires a Voidreaver style of tank swapping with threat which means 2 on Shannox and 1 on Rip. Rag(p)eface is untankable and bares a resemblance to the ZA spirit kitty on the lynx boss. We used the 2 tank, 50 yard strategy and it was executed flawlessly.

Lep and I kept up good communications to keep Rip trapped in Shannox's prison traps at the right times. The raid did a great job in not getting trapped themselves. On Thursday, we were not as good at this. Shannox took us only 3 tries and we now have our first Firelands boss down.
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