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Nervous System -- News
  Everyrody! Rook out! It's Gazrirruh! -- World of Warcraft News
  Posted  June 2, 2008  by 

Okay so it's not Godzilla but it was one big feckin' fish.

We tried this guy back in the beginning of the FunkyNERV setting. We knew what to expect and it was apparent he was just one of those retard fights. Jump when you're told, duck when you're told and shoot stuff with the pewpew. After downing Hydross earlier in the week, we went back in for the next boss. The first night we made steady progress but small missteps ruined the attempts (including one at 14%). The next night with a heavily retooled line, we fished him up again and served him piping hot at Long John's. He went down so easily, it was a joke. We pushed on from there to Leotheras to get an idea of what to expect on him. 2 attempts on him with Tofu playing warlock tank netted us a 57% high.

We aim to return to SSC to attempt Leo more at a good hour and see if we can't all kill our inner demons. Personally why mine isn't shaped like hookers, beers and a speedball I'll never know . . .

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